Class 2's Turtle Skype
Class 2 had a brilliant Skype session with Kyra from North Carolina Aquarium. This was a great opportunity to extend on their topic learning and become sea turtle experts in the process!
In class we have been learning about the life cycle of a sea turtle and Kyra told us more about a sea turtles 'lost years.' She also told us what sea turtles like to eat, such as shrimps and crabs, but also what they shouldn't eat, for example plastic bags. Kyra set the children a challenge to recycle and always put their rubbish away so that it doesn't blow into the sea and harm any turtles.
We discovered that there are seven species of sea turtles. They are the leatherback sea turtle, green sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, Kemp's ridley sea turtle, hawksbill sea turtle, flatback sea turtle and olive ridley sea turtle. We even met a loggerhead sea turtle and as you will see in the pictures below, he wouldn't stop flapping!