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Water Primary School

Water Primary School


Blossom Class - Year 4 & 5

Welcome to Blossom Class

Class Teacher: Miss Lomas

Class Teaching Assistant: Mr Riley 

We will also have Miss Sykes and Miss Crowther working in our class at different points during this half-term.

Welcome back everyone!

I hope that you had a lovely summer break and recharged those batteries! We have an exciting half-term coming up so get ready to get those brains switched on! 


In English, this half-term our learning will be based around the book 'The Lost Happy Endings' written by Carol Ann Duffy. This amazing book provides excellent writing opportunities. By the end of the unit, we will have written a character description and a diary entry based on the character of 'Jub' from the story. 

The Lost Happy Endings | Centre for Literacy in Primary Education


We will be continuing using Power Maths this year in our lessons.

Year 4 will be looking at place value with 4-digit numbers. Year 5 will begin with place value within 1,000,000s.

Timetables are also a very important part of maths and we will continue to develop our understanding of this by using TT Rockstars daily.  It would also help the children considerably if they practise at home. 

Please note that Year 4 will carry out a timetables check in July 2025.



Our History topic this half-term is Ancient Greece! We will be discovering the lasting influence of the Ancient Greeks on the western world and investigating the timeline and four main periods of the Greek Empire.



This half-term we will be looking at Great British Scientists, with a particular focus of Sir Issac Newton. We will be investigating and explaining Newton’s three laws of motion, exploring the phenomenon of light and colour, understanding the concept of gravity and lots more!



We expect children to be reading at home most nights for around 10/15 minutes. We want to encourage a love of reading as much as possible so that children can understand the key aspects of reading.


Our P.E. lessons this half-term will be on a Tuesday and Friday.  Please make sure children come in full P.E kit, which is clearly labelled with their name.  


The children will receive their spellings every Friday.

We will have a spelling lesson every Monday to consolidate their weekly spellings.  


If you would like to buy a healthy snack it is £1 per week, this can be payable as £7 for the half-term through ParentPay.

If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open.

Don't forget to check our school Twitter @Waterprimary for updates.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Lomas



Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

01706 216414