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Water Primary School

Water Primary School

Our School


The Governing Body plays a key role in helping 'Water Primary' provide the best possible education for all its pupils. It works in the background, leaving day to day running of the school to the Headteacher and staff, and is accountable to parents and the wider community to ensure that standards are of the highest quality.

The Governing Body decides strategic policy for the school, monitors progress, sets budgets in liaison with the LA, and supports and advises those who carry out specific work. It is made up of a combination of appointed, elected and co-opted individuals.

A Governing Body does not take all decisions but delegates much of that responsibility to its sub-committees. At 'Water Primary' these are: Standards and Effectiveness and Resources. Like the full Governing Body, they meet in a termly cycle, and report to the Full Governing Body Meeting. Individual governors accept specific responsibilities, which sometimes involve representing the Governing Body on Borough­wide organisations.

Governors usually serve a term of four years and provide their services in an unpaid capacity. The work requires commitment but is extremely rewarding. Membership is constantly changing through the expiry of terms of office and resignations forced by individual circumstances. Elections for four parent governors take place regularly, as terms of office come to an end.

The LA provides training and support for all governors and governing bodies (including advisors and clerks for full governing body meetings) which always receive praise for high quality.

Please see below for a list of Governors 

Our Governors

Lizzy McKay - Headteacher

I have worked at Water Primary School from being an NQT in 2009; because of this I am committed to driving the school forward and ensuring every pupil at Water Primary School has the best possible start to their school journey. I believe that a strong partnership with governors is imperative to continuing to building a great school which has children at the centre of its vision.

Appointed by GB/board (20//03/23 - 19/03/27)


Marc Vipham - Chair of Governors


I’m a Chartered Civil Engineer and currently work as a Principal Asset Engineer for Network Rail. My team and I manage a large and diverse range of historic structures to ensure they remain safe for continued use.

I grew up in Rossendale and attended BRGS. My wife and I moved to Water and really enjoy it here. I love running, especially in the hills and through the valleys. Our daughter Holly is a pupil at Water, so I’m keen to use my skills to help the school continue to improve. I have a particular interest in science and maths, along with strategy planning and ensuring action plans are given the attention required.

I am really enjoying my role as a Governor and have enjoyed getting to know both parents and school staff as we work together to ensure our children obtain the best start to life.

Co-opted (04/12/23 - 03/12/2027)



Alice Thompson - Vice Chair of Governors


My name is Alice and I have been a Governor at Water School for a number of years now.

I have one daughter who is currently a pupil at Water, and one daughter who has moved on to High School. I am a busy Mum and spend most of my time travelling around to various football matches and training sessions.

In my professional life, I am a Nurse and work within a Quality Lead role.  I also have experience as a Senior University Lecturer.

My whole career has been in palliative care and so I am keen to ensure that our children, families and teaching staff have access to support if they are going through difficult times.

In my Governor role I am linked to science due my healthcare background.  I have spent time over the past couple of years observing science lessons and looking at the wonderful work and activities our children get up to at Water.

I love being a Governor, it is a privileged position and we have responsibility for supporting the Senior Teaching Team with the running of the school.

It is really important to ensure that the voice of the children and families is heard which I am always keen to ensure is at the heart of school decisions.

I would urge you to all to consider joining our Governing team so that we can share our experiences and knowledge to help the school grow.

Local Authority Governor (09/12/21 - 08/12/25)



Jen Edington - Staff Governor / Training Link

I have thoroughly enjoyed my role as a Governor for Water School, working collaboratively with our fantastic team to plan and share our school's strategic direction. I love being at the heart of our school community and sharing the achievements of our wonderful school, its pupils and staff. Our Governing Body has been imperative in driving school improvement forward and ensuring the best outcomes for our children, and I am so proud to be a part of it. 

Staff Governor (16/03/22 - 15/03/26)


Julie Adshead - Equality, Languages and Humanities

Both my children attended Water School – but many years ago now!  When they were there, and for a short time afterwards, I was on the Board of Governors, ending up as Chair.  As they were both then at High School, I stepped down.  Then in May 2018, I was elected as Councillor for the Ward and took over from Amanda Robertson on the Board.  It’s been a real pleasure to be involved with the School again and to see it moving from strength to strength. I’m grateful to be able to help in any way that I can.

Co-opted governor (26/06/23 - 25/06/27)


Lindsay Bevan - SEN and Pupil Premium 

I’m a busy Mum to 2 lively boys, Joshua & James. Our family lives together in Whitewell Bottom. Joshua joined the Water Family in September 2020 and loves going to school every day. I love being a parent governor because I have a strong interest in not just my own children's education but education as a whole. I believe that every child should be able to access a happy, positive and inclusive school. 

I have been a governor for a couple of years now, and it’s been amazing to see how much the school has grown over this period.

Parent Governor (28/02/22 - 27/02/26)



Peter Fielding - Prevent, R.E. and Science

My name is Peter, and I am in my fifth year as a co-opted governor of Water School.

I live locally and have two grown up children (both boys) who now live in Birmingham. Although I have now been retired for a couple of years (I was the Head of the Chemistry Department and a research professor at Lancaster University), I still work on a number of national science projects, and am an active director of a scientific manufacturing company based in Burnley.  We design and manufacture equipment to control the quality of drinking water, and equipment to help monitor and clean up industrial waste water. My career has been all about making measurements of all things chemical!

I have always enjoyed sharing my passion for science, and have worked with several schools over the years in this regard. I’m also enjoying a new interest in astronomy, now that I am retired, but still very much a beginner (you are never too old to enjoy learning!) I am a member of Lumb Baptist Church, and am delighted that the Church has a lovely working relationship with Water School, both with school assemblies and also with the main festivals of Christmas, Easter and Harvest.

As a governor, I am particularly linked with both Science and RE, and am delighted to help with these things whenever I can. I really enjoy opportunities to visit the school, talk to the children, and see the excellent work that our children achieve. I’m heartened, every time I visit, to observe and participate in the wonderfully caring ethos that is a real hallmark of Water School.

Being a governor is so very rewarding, such a privilege, and particularly so at Water School.

I’m always happy to listen and share with children, staff and parents, as it is these people who have made Water School the wonderful environment it is.

Co-Opted (02/12/24 - 02/12/28)



John Dawson - P.E. and English

Hello I am John, the newest member of the Water School Governor team. I have lived in Rossendale all of my life, with the last seven years being in Whitewell Bottom. My son, Harry is a current pupil and has thoroughly enjoyed his time at Water School, making some great friends.

I have played a small part so far in helping with school fairs and sports day, and I am keen to take a more active role in building on the brilliant work that has already taken place, to make the school such a great environment for our children to learn and develop.

In my working life I am employed by Greater Manchester Police and have previously served in the Army and ran my own photography business. I am a trustee at Whitewell Bottom Community Centre and a volunteer at Rossendale Hospice where I have been involved in organising fundraising events.

In my younger days I played football and cricket for local clubs and still play table tennis competitively. I have a general love of most sports and outdoor activities, and it is an area that I am passionate about the Water pupils taking part in.

Although small in size, Water School has already shown to me that it has a big heart with friendly, approachable staff, and where every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Parent Governor (26/06/23 - 25/06/27)



Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

Contact: Alison Graham, Office Manager
01706 216414