Maple Class - Year 3 & 4
Welcome to Maple Class
Hello everyone and welcome to Maple Class. This year will be filled with many exciting opportunities and experiences for our children.
Class Teacher: Miss Wilson
Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Crowther
We hope you've had a lovely summer and are ready for our first term in Maple Class!
This term we are looking at The Loch Ness Monster.
The children will be writing their own magazine article before moving on to writing their own story with some character changes.
Guided Reading
Guided Reading will be done using a whole class approach. We will be reading our new novel 'Charlotte's Web'.
We have a real passion about reading at Water Primary School and we encourage our children to have a love of books and reading also.
In Maths, we will continue to use Power Maths and the children will be taught in year groups.
Year 3 children will be looking at place value and addition and subtraction.
Year 4 children will also be looking at place value and addition and subtraction.
Timetables are also a very important part of maths and we will continue to develop our understanding of this by using TT Rockstars daily. It would also help the children considerably if they practise at home.
Please note that Year 4 will carry out a timetables check in July 2024.
In science we will be focusing on scientific skills. Year 3 will be looking at the unforgettable scientists of America. This unit will allow children to understand scientific skills and focus on using these during investigations.
Our Year 4 children will be focusing on scientific skills. They will be looking at 'what do scientists do?' This unit will allow children to understand scientific skills and focus on using these during investigations.
This half-term year 3 and 4 will be looking at Ancient Greece in history.
This will involve looking at a timeline of Greek history, looking at Greek pottery and making our own with special Greek patterns and exploring the life of Alexander.
PE will continue to be taught in mixed year groups with PE taking place on a Tuesday afternoons for all children in Maple Class. Please could you ensure that children come to school wearing the correct P.E. kits on the day of their session. We will also be going swimming on a Thursday afternoon. Please see the letter at the bottom in regards to swimming kit.
We expect children to be reading at home most nights for around 10/15 minutes. We want to encourage a love of reading as much as possible so that children can understand the key aspects of reading.
If you wish for your child to have snack, this will need to be paid via Parent Pay.
A note from Miss Wilson
If you have any questions or concerns, my door is always open.
I look forward to a great year in Maple Class.
Miss Wilson