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Water Primary School

Water Primary School

Our School

Monitoring and Evaluation

Water Primary School has developed further improvements to their annual programme of governor visits to the school, focussed on gathering evidence to support school self-evaluation.

The information gathered during these visits will enable the Governing body to:

  • Fulfil their statutory duties and responsibilities
  • Have a deeper understanding of the areas of strength and weakness within the school and observe the impact of school improvement actions.
  • Monitor the performance of the school – This will help Governors to better informed at meetings and to support and hold to account senior leaders in order to improve pupil outcomes
  • Talk to children and staff and the children about their experiences in school

Aims for Governor monitoring and evaluation programme

The planning and implementation of this programme will:

  • Governors will have a detailed focus on improvement strategies as well as information regarding subjects
  • Statutory audits – safeguarding and inclusion
  • Data analysis – This will establish the impact of school improvement priorities and identify further actions
  • Involve meetings between staff and governors – formal and informal
  • Learning Walks – with an agreed focus
  • Discussions with children on their learning
  • Reports completed by governors and shared during meetings
  • Ensure that all polices are in place and regularly reviewed 

Please see below our Monitoring and Evaluation Schedule for Governors

Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

Contact: Alison Graham, Office Manager
01706 216414