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Water Primary School

Water Primary School

The 'Water' Curriculum

Vending Machine

We are so excited to let you know that we have recently invested in a Water Primary School book vending machine. This will be used as part of our drive to make Water an outstanding reading school. The children will earn tokens for their reading efforts, both in school and at home and they can ‘spend’ these on their choice of books from the vending machine.


We would like to ask for donations in order to make this the most exciting part of our Superstar Assemblies. We have partnered up with a fantastic website, where every, brand new books costs just £2.50!


Please use the link below (also sent via text and on twitter) to access our Water Primary School book wish list.


When you have selected the book or books that you would like to purchase, please add them to your cart and then proceed to payment method.

Don’t forget to use our free shipping code: water


You will be asked to give your billing details and there is an option to have the item delivered to school. If you use the free shipping code, there is no need to add the school’s address, but if you would prefer;

Lizzy McKay

Water Primary




Water Primary School

Burnley Road East, Rossendale

Lancashire, BB4 9PX

Contact: Alison Graham, Office Manager
01706 216414